Patient Participation Group
Terms of Reference
The PPG group is a great way to discuss ways in helping patients get the best services from their practice.
These Terms of Reference aim to set out what the Patient Participation Group is in existence for, and how it may operate, to the benefit of all the patients of Ashwell Medical centre.

Ashwell Patients Forum will:
- Contribute to Practice decision-making
- Provide feedback on patient’s needs, concerns and interests, and challenge the Practice constructively whenever necessary
- Give patients a voice in the organisation of their care
- Give feedback to NHS Trusts on consultations
- Promote good health and higher levels of health literacy by encouraging and supporting activities within the Practice and promoting preventative medicine
- Communicate information about the community which may affect healthcare
- Proactively seek new members for the Patients Forum
“Day to Day” Guidelines:
- The group is not a forum for individual complaints and single issues
- We advocate open and honest communication and challenge between individuals
- We will be flexible, listen, ask for help and support each other
- Silence indicates agreement – speak up, but always go through the Chair
- All views are valid and will be listened to
- No phones or other disruptions
- We will start and finish on time and stick to the agenda
- We will have an elected Chairperson and Secretary
- The meetings will be held regularly
Patient Practice Group Minutes Archive
Virtual Group
The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.